Friday, November 11, 2016

It is TRULY the Opportunity of a Lifetime.

I make no exaggeration when I say that this is truly the opportunity of a lifetime. Not only will you change that child's life, but he will change yours as well. I honestly have no words to describe the feeling and overwhelming emotions that I had when I went on my first mission trip to Honduras. It is a huge eye opener, especially when you get back into America. I have never been more thankful for a fridge, air conditioning, a warm shower, a vehicle, a bed to sleep on, shelter to go home to, clothes on my back and shoes on my feet, a cabinet with food inside, etc, etc, etc. If you ever get the opportunity to go on a mission trip, I PROMISE, it will change your heart forever.

GSBM Churches

Good Samaritan Baptist Missions uses your donations in many useful ways, one of them being to build churches. Here in America, we have churches with heat and air conditioning, padded pews, beautiful buildings, lights, windows, technology and so much more. Churches in Honduras and Nicaragua struggle to have seating, they have no air, no technology, and no beautiful building. Your donations can help fund building the churches that Hondurans travel for hours to get to. They want their kids to grow up in church and learn about Jesus so they will do whatever it takes, we should too!

Social Media

Good Samaritan Baptist Missions is all over social media. It is always a blessing to keep up with their journey and see all the ways that God is working in these countries and through this mission! Click below to follow their journey on social media.

Help without sponsoring a child

Even though sponsoring a child is an opportunity of a lifetime, some can not afford to sponsor a child and it is completely understandable. Here are some ways that you can help the mission without sponsoring a child:

  • Pray. The mission and the people can always use prayer!
  • Send a donation (it doesn't have to be much, whatever God places on your heart).
  • Send words of encouragement! Let them know they are in your prayers always and you appreciate what they do. 
  • Tell others about the mission! 
If you would like to donate, click here.

A Missionary Journey Book

Although the Good Samaritan Baptist Mission is up and running extremely well and has been for a very long time, does not mean they did not go through many difficult times and a long hard journey when starting the mission up. This book will tell you all about the journey and the struggles they overcame with the help of God and never losing their faith or sight of the bigger picture!

 To order this book, click here.

Recent events

Sadly, the founder of Good Samaritan Baptist Missions recently passed away after a long battle with cancer. She stayed faithful through the entire process and although being very elderly and having to travel back and forth from Honduras to America for her treatments, she made sure everything in the mission went smoothly and did everything that she was capable of during that time. The mission is still in great hands and will continue to prosper, but keep that family and the entire mission in your prayers.


Christmas is right around the corner and will be here before we know it. I remember waking up every Christmas morning with tons of toys under the tree, my family gathered around me and not a single worry in the world. Christmas is so different for children in a third world country. They wake up hoping to get a meal and that they are warm. With Christmas being so close, it is the perfect time to sponsor a child. You can buy them multiple things from a list and just send the money to the mission. There is absolutely no hassle. This changes the child's whole outlook on Christmas when they wake up and see that someone has cared enough to buy them presents. Its a wonderful feeling and experience for both you, the child, and the child's family.


If you would like to find out more information on the Opportunity of a Lifetime, feel free to contact Good Samaritan Baptist Missions if you have any questions. This is such a wonderful opportunity and it would never hurt to look more into it to see if it is something you would consider doing. These children and families can never thank you enough for all that you do for them with only $30/month. It is literally one dollar per day.

Contact for more information here!

Communication with your sponsor child

My sponsor child and I communicate with each other through letters. It is a great way to stay in touch with your sponsor child and know how they are doing in their classes, how their family is doing, and much more. if you ever go on a mission trip with Good Samaritan Baptist Missions, you will also have the opportunity to spend the day with your sponsor child.

Here is the latest letter I received from my sponsor child. It is truly a blessing to sponsor a child in a third world country!

Education in a third world country

Education in a third world country is very uncommon and extremely hard to receive. By sponsoring a child, you are giving them the opportunity to not only receive an education, but the opportunity to make friendships that last a lifetime, opening doors to higher education, and helping them be as successful as possible in the near future. Here in America, we take our education for granted daily, while in a third world country it is a dream to receive any form of education.

Feed the Hungry Program

By sponsoring a child, you are making sure that your child receives three meals per day. This is a HUGE deal in a third world country. Good Samaritan Baptist Missions has set up a program that has multiple "Feed the Hungry" programs all over Honduras and Nicaragua. I have experienced these programs and parents will bring their children from miles away and walk to these kitchens just to ensure their child gets their food. If you sponsor a child, the GSBM bus will pick your child up to go get their meal. The Feed the Hungry kitchen feeds any child who comes their way and they can always use your donation and support. $3 of your $30 will go to helping run these kitchens and much more. 

Opportunity of a Lifetime

Opportunity of a Lifetime

The Opportunity of a Lifetime program is a program created by Good Samaritan Baptist Missions. For only $30/month you can sponsor a child in Honduras or Nicaragua. These children live in complete poverty and they are never guaranteed one meal per day, an education, needs, wants, etc. By spending only $30/month you can help your sponsor child receive an education, uniforms for school, be guaranteed three meals per day and you can also send them any item they are in need of at any time through the online store. The Opportunity of a Lifetime is truly what it says to be. I can speak truthfully on how far your $30 will go because I have been to this mission and I have personally seen how far they will stretch the money and what miracles it can do for the child you sponsor. This gives them so many opportunities and will change their life forever. 

If you are interested in sponsoring a child, click here.